Adventures in Nursing Blog



I’ll say it. The market has flattened. Jobs are down, bill rates have leveled out. Interviews are happening more slowly, or less frequently. Extensions are becoming harder and harder to obtain.

All doom and gloom right? The sky is surely falling. Time for you to settle down and find a perm job. Leave that silly dream of travel behind and go back to the mundane.


I would offer that it’s never been a better time in our industry. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Hard work pays off. The cliché phrases are all true. Comedian Dennis Leary might have said it best: life is hard, get a helmet. I talked to a nurse yesterday who is waiting for an extension offer that might not be coming. On top of that, her contract isn’t in the most glamorous place, but she is having the time of her life. Her positive attitude really made me think. Sometimes we get so caught up in the process, it waters down the magic of the journey. We say it over and over, this is your career. Own the process. Only you know what is best for you. But along way, stop and smell the roses. See the sites. Live life. Don’t let the market conditions get you down. Things change, that doesn’t mean the industry is dead. It just means we all have to work a little harder. And that will make the end result that much sweeter.