Adventures in Nursing Blog

Atlas Therapy Division

Atlas Therapy Division

I was wrong.

That's never felt better to say.

Our industry is full of shiny objects. It's easy to get distracted. When Atlas started 6 years ago we had one goal in mind. We wanted to be the very best travel nursing company we could be. It didn't matter what every other company was doing. We were laser focused on that one goal. Predictably, as we grew, the shiny objects appeared. Be we pressed on, always thinking about the goal. We aren't there yet, but each day we get closer.

Then the industry changed. We started seeing patterns in patient care. Changes in how hospitals and other patient care settings interact. It started off as just a casual conversation here or there. Then our insurance company mentioned it. Then another, and another. It got louder, and louder, until it couldn't be ignored any more. Things are going to be different, and change isn't always bad. It became clear that if we didn't change, we'd be left behind. We simply couldn't ignore the shifts in our industry.

Then the right person came along, and his experience is just too hard to ignore. He is a therapist himself, and he understands these changes in the industry. He started recruiting many years ago, left to do patient care, and has now come back to the agency side. Right time, right place, right guy. We couldn't say no. Saying yes made too much sense.

Many months ago, I said we were JUST a travel nursing company. I was wrong. In order to be the very best travel nursing company we can be, we had to expand, we had to change, we had to grow. This will open doors that we didn't have access to before, meaning our nurses will have opportunities they didn't have before. It's a win/win, and Atlas is stronger because of it.