The Atlas Life

Traveling Nurse, Stephanie Farrar - PCU - The Atlas Life #67

Meet traveling nurse, Stephanie Farrar. Stephanie accepted a travel nursing assignment in Washington and had the chance to meet her recruiter, Sydney Lamberty on an Atlas Meet and Greet in Seattle. Learn more about Stephanie's experience as a travel nurse!

Recruiter Sydney Lamberty's bio:

Check out Stephanie's travel nursing blog here:

Sydney L.: Hi, I'm Sydney Lamberty. I'm a recruiter with Atlas.

Stephanie F.: Hi, my name is Stephanie Farrar, and my recruiter with Atlas is Sydney Lamberty. I met my recruiter on the NurseFly app. She slid into my messages and let me know about a prospective job in the Bay Area.

Sydney L.: She's just... She's so down to earth, so sweet, cares about me as a person, cares about working together. I think that's the biggest thing is we connected right away, and it was so much more than just a recruiter and a nurse. It was like we had this friendship and bond and that's what we talk about is that we actually have a friendship, and I think that helps find jobs easier. We're so honest with each other and open, and she's seriously one of the sweetest nurses I've met.

Stephanie F.: She is so sweet. She's so kind, and she genuinely cares about you as a person. She's always going to be your number one fan, your number one cheerleader, make sure that she is doing her job and puts you in a good spot to do your job the best, as well.

Stephanie F.: So I currently just accepted a job in Puyallup, Washington, which is just 30 miles south of Seattle, so I'll be here for the summer. I'm not done traveling yet because my goal is to travel for at least a year out of state, and then maybe migrate back towards Wisconsin. I would say keep an open mind, never say never, try everything, and just have fun. I mean traveling is supposed to be fun and exciting and new, and it's just a great experience that I know I'm going to look back on forever. I started traveling to explore new places, meet new people, and just challenge myself as a nurse to be better and learn more every day. My year assignment was in Torrance, California. I lived in Hermosa Beach. I was literally a block from the Pacific Ocean. It was amazing, a great community. I made so many friends there and I just loved the LA area. The not so great part about traveling is just starting over every 13 weeks, having to go through orientation again, moving is never fun, and saying goodbye to places once they start to feel like home.

Sydney L.: Stephanie has this blog. It's awesome. She'll never talk about it because I don't even know. She's too humble about it, but it's awesome. She has workouts on there that are super quick but really hard. I kind of die when I do them. She was really great recipes. It kind of just talks about her travel experience, so if you're in new traveler and you have any questions. And she's super open too. Social media, she's like, "If you have any questions, reach out to me." She's the best person to ask for advice. She's had the good, the bad, everything, so her blog, you should definitely check it out.

Stephanie F.: You can find my blog on, and again like she said, you can subscribe with your email and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about travel nursing.