Adventures in Nursing Blog
By Rich Smith, 04-18-2018
The common denominator of failure is excuses. – Jon Taffer
One of my favorite shows on TV over the past few years has been Bar Rescue on Spike (now called the Paramount Network). I watched it not because I want to own a bar, but because of the human element. It’s fascinating to see how people interact with each other, and when faced with absolute truths, how some still will not change their ways. Maybe in some ways, owning a business is a microcosm of life. If you can’t learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them. Or worse yet, you make excuses for your failures.
My dad used to tell me, excuses are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink. While crude, he had a point. There was nothing he hated more than an excuse. From a very young age, he taught me to take responsibility for everything that I did. He knew I’d make mistakes. He knew I would fail. But he taught me that if I took responsibility and didn’t blame others or make excuses, I’d learn from them. But like any good teenager...and then college kid…I didn’t listen. I made excuses, blamed others for my shortcomings. It took me years to understand what he truly meant. You see, my dad never graduated from high school. He worked two to three jobs all through my childhood just to provide for us. Not once did I ever hear him blame anyone for his shortcomings. He never complained, made excuses or blamed anyone else. He took life as it came, and loved every minute of it. I should have paid more attention back then, because by the time I realized he was right…he was gone.
Maybe it’s age, but I know now that I control my own destiny. My absolute truth is that it’s all on me. Don’t worry, Atlas doesn’t need Jon Taffer to come a rescue the business. Far from it. Although…Agency Rescue could be fun TV. Maybe I should call Taffer, I know there are agencies out there that could use some help!