The Atlas Life

Traveling Nurse Kathy Tull - Labor and Delivery RN - The Atlas Life #65

Meet Kathy Tull, a Labor & Delivery RN currently in Spokane, WA. Kathy is a travel nurse who takes her RV along with her to all of her assignments. Learn more about her in today's Atlas Life.

Recruiter Tara Keegan bio:

Tara Keegan: Hi, I'm Tara. I'm a recruiter with Atlas, and we're going to film The Atlas Life with one of my nurses for over a year now, Kathy Tull. She is an L&D nurse that travels the country in an RV. She was in our database. She was thinking about working with Atlas for months, and we kind of hit it off. She was actually part of a travel duo.

Tara Keegan: Kathy is all over the place in her RV, and she's become not only my nurse for the last year that I work with but a friend that I talk to. She loves adventure. She loves experiencing new things, and RV life really allows her the ability to do all of that, yet have the solace of being at home at the end of the day with her little dogs wherever she fits, and she loves it.

Kathy Tull: My name's Kathy Tull, and I am a labor and delivery RN. I'm working in Spokane, Washington, at this moment. I've been a nurse for six years now, and five and a half of it I have spent in labor and delivery. The last almost three years I've been traveling.

Kathy Tull: Managing a labor, it's not as easy as it looks. I mean, the nurses make it look easy, but it's not. Imagine trying to stick your hand in a black sack and find a donut hole. All you have to go on is your fingers, and that sack, that donut hole may be in the very back of it, and it may be a little bitty one, but you've got to find it and be able to tell the doctor how big it is.

Kathy Tull: I was tired of not seeing the end result of my work unless it was bad, because from there they go out to the floor. If they get better, they go out to the floor, they go home. If they don't get better, then that's the only time you see it just because you lose them. And I'd always wanted to be labor and delivery, and fresh out of school back then they weren't accepting us straight out of school, so I had to kind of wait a little bit. But soon as it came open, I jumped on it.

Kathy Tull: The best part is meeting new people and getting to see the country, getting to go places that you wouldn't normally have gone just, say, for vacation. I would have never put Wheatland, Wyoming, or Spokane, Washington, on my this-is-where-I-must-visit-before-I-die list, but I love it. I mean, I'm meeting all kinds of new people, and I get to go and play. It's what I'm doing this weekend. I'm in the car, as you can see. I'm headed for the Northeast coast. Oh, that's the dog. Sorry, she's ... We're ready to go. You go back over. Thank you.

Kathy Tull: Probably the hardest part is getting in your groove. You know how to do your job, you just don't know where they hide their stuff or their process at that hospital. So, getting to know the different doctors that you have to work with and the process that that individual hospital goes through, that's probably the most challenging of the job. But it's just part of it. You've got to be able to go with the flow.

Kathy Tull: My best experience I've had on the road. Oh, goodness. Probably when my husband came up, and we took off and went to Pigeon Forge. That was our weekend adventure that you guys, you rented us the little 4x4 RZR thing, and we just took off through the mountains. That was a blast. He had a blast. I had a blast.